#1 Program and Office Infrastructure 
#22 Quickie Consult 

Preamble: Many of the issues I bring to you are very small, yet each issue is just that, an issue. If you take care of the small issues, then you will be able to build and more importantly, focus on the bigger issues…a larger practice and more family time.

A new e-learning course has been added to the MD Relationship Program members section and is outlined below.  This article discusses the outcome of a research project that brought MD, DC and patient together for an honest and open discussion on integration.  This is a very recent publication and it is important to understand.  My personal experience building 2 hospital-based clinics, the daily interaction that the members of the program and I have with the medical community and the key tenants of the MD Relationship Program continue to be validated in the research.  This article is the most recent.  THIS IS RESULTING IN 3-4 NEW MD REFERRAL PATIENTS PER WEEK! 

In the paper, one of the MDs in the focus group states regarding collaborative meetings, “To promote attendance, these sessions could become a part of a continuing education program that fulfils annual credentialing requirements.  If they did Accredited Group Learning Activities (i.e., continuing education) with us, we would get to know them pretty well. You create a relationship where you share issues, for example developing a model of managing acute low back pain. (Physician, focus group 1: 150).”

If you are not credentialed as a lecturer with the MD Lecture Program and are not out presenting CME courses, you are missing a very important aspect of relationship building!  IT DOES NOT GET ANY EASIER THAN THIS…THESE PROGRAMS ARE ALL CREATED FOR YOU AND CAN BE IMPLEMENTED EASILY IN 4 HOURS PER WEEK.

For more information on the MD Lecture Program, call me at 716-228-3847.  I am personally doing 1 of these per month at MD clinics and local hospitals. 

Please log into the members section and click on e-learning modules.

E-Course #3 

Mior, S., Barnsley, J., Boon, H., Ashbury, F. D., & Haig, R. (2010). Designing a framework for the delivery of collaborative musculoskeletal care involving chiropractors and physicians in community-based care. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 24(6), 678–689.

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