#1 Program and Office Infrastructure 

MD Relationship Program


 From the Desk of:

William J Owens Jr DC, DAAMLP

#15 “Leveraging the MD Relationship Program – Delegating to Staff”

One of the most important aspects of professional growth is being able to delegate tasks to staff.  Delegating does not mean that you sit on your butt while everyone else does all the work.  What it means is that you continue to “jump” a level in your productivity to more important and bigger picture tasks.  The interesting thing about the MD Relationship Program is that most of the outreach can be accomplished by your staff.  When you break down the program, there are two major areas.  The first is related to clinical excellence or being the “doctor.”  It is primarily related to proper examination, reporting and communication with the MD.  The second is the “marketing” side and consists of preparing and maintaining the MD database, creating binders as needed, and customizing and printing the MD bimonthly research.   The “marketing” aspect of the program is something that should be handled by your staff; you should have little input.  The problem with most offices is that the chiropractor has little time to “train” the staff, especially when it comes to a new program that they are not very familiar with.  That is where I come in; I WILL DELEGATE FOR YOU

When the program first starts for you, I need to talk with your staff and get them involved in the process.  It is far easier for me to spend time with them in the beginning so the program starts out efficiently than it is for you to try to do it in between patients or at a staff meeting.  The process is simple, but the magic is in the long term consistency and staying in front of the MDs.  You will not be able to do this without your staff’s help.  They have to “buy” into the program and need to work it into their day.  They need to get the big picture as well so that they understand this program is going to help build the office, ensuring a steady stream of new patients.  Here is a list of what I will help your staff to be able to accomplish: 

– Create the MD database

– Create the MD educational binders

– Download and customize the MD research fliers

– Create an MD research flier delivery route

– Understand how and why to deliver reports

– Understand how to build relationships with medical staff

– Understand how to effectively schedule MD meetings and lunches

Your staff will have direct contact with me via phone and email.  The first thing that you need to do after reading this email is have your staff call me to set a time to talk.  Once this is accomplished, I will meet with them and guide them through the process.  You will work with me on reporting and your CV.  Once this is done, the process is simple; find NEW MD offices and have your staff prepare communication materials to build the relationships. {jcomments on}

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