#1 Program and Office Infrastructure 

MD Affiliation Program

Consultation #76

 From the Desk of:

William J Owens Jr DC, DAAMLP, CPC

#22 “Action Steps to Building Relationships in the Medical Community


Step 1: Credentials

This area relates to your CV or curriculum vitae. This is where you are putting your training and credentials on paper.  This can be done via the US Chiropractic Directory at www.uschirodirectory.com.  Many of the doctors that I consult with have a hard time with this because they have not kept track of their CEs.  That is okay; you need to start somewhere.  Just get the basics down and call me. 

Step 2: Outreach

The second step is to start calling (or have your staff start calling) MDs’ offices using the script in Consultation #4.  Remember to make it “your own” so that it comes from the heart.  This is where you are creating binders and dropping them off to the MDs’ offices. 

Step 3: Reporting

The third step is to make sure you are reporting to the MDs on a regular basis.  That means following your initial, re-evaluation and final reports.  This is a major issue with many offices, so if you are not doing this, you are not alone.  I can help.  It is important to remember that the reports should be only touched ONCE.   ONE report will meet the needs for the medical doctor, the carrier and the lawyer if needed.  Your office will be streamlined and your stress level will go WAY down.

Step 4: Teaching

Once you are in MDs’ offices and meeting with them regularly, you will need to position yourself as a teacher and expert.  This can be accomplished in 2 ways.  First, it can be done by having ME do a lecture on billing and collections and by YOUR delivering a seminar that is approved for CE credits to the medical community.  That is easy to do and I can help you secure sponsors and market these.

Step 5: Advanced Practice Building  

Once you are expert and are teaching, there are many ways to legally decrease overhead and streamline the care of patients.  These include having medical providers rotating through your office on a weekly or monthly basis.  Once they are there, you can include them on the marketing side and promote THEM as well when you go into the MDs’ offices.  You will have the relationships and, therefore, the control you need to secure your practice and your future. {jcomments on}

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