Demonstrative Evidence

“Published in 2012”

DE 2  DE 3                                     DE 4  

Properly correlating causality to bodily injury and persistent functional losses is critical in the management of the traumatically injured in the medical-legal environment.  Telling the “story” requires proper documentation and the organization of objective evidence.  The first phase of this process is when the patient is under active care and has not reached a point where you can determine that the residual symptoms are permanent.  Once permanency has been established, there may be a need for a court of law or arbitrator to intervene for a final decision.

When this happens the lawyer relies on “demonstrative evidence” to assist the expert in “teaching” the arbitrator or the jury about the cause of the injury, how it injured the patient and why the patient will have permanent impairment.   Simply having the expert sitting up on the stand and proclaiming that the evidence is true because they are the “expert” is not as effective as it has been in the past. Whether you realize it or not, the community (jurers and arbitrators) watch shows like CSI Miami and expect a certain level of forensic demonstration.  When the expert presents an x-ray on a portable view box in court, it does not do as good a job in “teaching” the jury about the injury.

There are many companies that create and provide Demonstrative Evidence using medical illustrations of the injuries and patient symptoms.  These have been effective, but now we are taking this to the next level.  This has been used in my private practice with AMAZING results.  Since technology has evolved we now have the ability to demonstrate the injury AND teach the jury WHY it is there and WHAT is has caused.  We can use the patient’s ACTUAL MRI study showing the level of injury AND then a different level in the same region of the spine to show what  a NORMAL or UNINJURED level looks like.  That allows us to show them the comparison, correlate that to the medical evidence creating the best possible scenario for them to make an educated decision.

When done properly, this is a WIN for the patient, a WIN for the lawyer and a WIN for you.  I have crafted this system, the “Demonstrative Evidence System” to accomplish what no other system has done which will create an income center for YOU which will position YOU THE DOCTOR as the premier expert in your area.   The slides that I had created in the beginning of this page were for a patient that was awarded a multi-million dollar verdict.

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