Program and Office Infrastructure


What You Should Be Focusing On

I am going to keep this very short and simple.  There are only three types of daily tasks out there, income producing tasks (IPT), and income supporting tasks (IST) or neither of these.  Here are some examples and when they need to be accomplished…

IPT – Handing out MD educational binders, sharing research with patients, partnering with an MRI company, lecturing to MDs via the CME program, tracking your referrals OUTSIDE of your office and expecting the same return, doing lectures for prospective patients, adjusting patients and building new business relationships.

IST – Reading the consultations, learning a new EMR program, lecturing to existing patients, charting, paying bills, training and organizing staff, creating systems in your office and billing and collections.
Neither of These – Surfing the net, non-productive lunch meetings, non-urgent phone calls, diving 100% into a “NEW” perfect system that is going to make you $1 million and allow you to vacation in Europe and office chit-chat from non-productive staff. (There are A LOT more, but you get my point.)
Most of what we do on a daily basis outside of the specific act of adjusting patients (Notice I didn’t say “seeing” patients, talking about the weather with patients or looking through a family photo album with patients.  Those are HUGE time wasters.), actually falls into the “neither of these” category, with the second most popular being activities in the IST category.  We shuffle papers to make ourselves feel really “busy.”  We are tired when we get home, but nothing is growing. 
This consultation is about changing that…To be successful you need to start doing MORE in the IPT category.  When you are going about your day, STOP and ask yourself which category you are working in.  Spend 80% of your energy engaging in income producing tasks and you will be tired but growing.  Spend it in neither of these or in income supporting tasks and you will still be tired but failing.  Only YOU can do what YOU do; staff handles everything else.  If that is not the case it is either YOU or your STAFF.  That is a consultation for another day.

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