#1 Program and Office Infrastructure 

#31 Charting Your Success

The biggest reason you have to not succeed is thinking that you are going to figure out the “short cut”.  You will sit there all weekend and on your lunch break and try to find ways to work around going out and meeting MDs.  Guess what?? IT DOESN’T WORK.  This program cannot succeed without you and your personality.  Here are a few quick tips to keep your mind on track…

Be the expert – if you want patients to refer to you, if you want lawyers to refer to you and if you want MDs to refer to you, YOU have to be the expert.  This means that you have something to “offer”, it does not mean that you know everything.  To be honest most of my knowledge comes from asking questions, everyone likes to feel important and asking questions is one of the best ways to do that.  Learn from each other…

Be the teacher – you are a doctor that does not prescribe medication or perform surgery, yet you have outcomes in your office that are better than most AND you have one of the highest patient satisfaction rates in the health-care industry.  The patient Report of Findings is second nature to you…why are you not teaching the MDs the same thing?   There are many ways to educate, reporting, one on one conversations and official CME.  You have access to all of it.

Be the Leader – a leader does not work less than others around him/her.  In fact most leaders I know work harder than everyone else.  People have to trust that you know what you are doing and that goes for patient care, administrating your office and handling referrals.  Blaze the path for others to follow, but DON’T EVER BE FULL OF BULLCRAP…you WILL be found out.  Leaders figure out how to solve problems and work hard to then teach those solutions to others. 

Be a friend – most importantly especially with the medical professionals in your area, be a friend.  Touch base with people you haven’t talked to in a while, not for a referral but because you care.  Treat the MDs like you treat your patients, with genuine interest and your relationships will build faster than you can imagine.  MDs are struggling more than ever before and the ones that need help will be the most receptive.  Find them and become their friend, it means more than you know. 

Think about these, capitalize on your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.  It is the only way to build the practice you always dreamed of having… 

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