Many doctors fall into a pattern of “good enough”.  There are the doctors out there that incorrectly believe that they learned everything in chiropractic school which in turn causes them to “drift” through continuing education.  We all know the human body is complex and there are many reasons for a patient to not feel well.  Many of those patients come into our office.  I was on the phone last week with a doctor from Austin TX that had a patient present to his office and it turned out that patient had a perforated colon and went right from the chiropractor’s office to the hospital for emergency surgery.  Does the chiropractor TREAT the perforation?  Of course not, but what is important is that doctor had a level of clinical excellence to be able to catch that.  Those are the types of things that make you GREAT.  Everyone can handle the simple cases, but what about the complex cases?  
When you are building a healthcare team (doctors that you refer to and rely on to help manage patients) are you leading them or are you sitting on the sideline waiting for handouts?  I will tell you that the one common thread that ties all the doctors that are successful in this program together is, the MDs TRUST them to handle their patients and the chiropractor has the credentials to prove it on paper.  Yes, that is the CV.  The CV is a listing of your professional accomplishments and post graduate education.  It is your “story”.  When you are looking at your story does it demonstrate clinical excellence or do you still have a Resume that has “References upon request” at the bottom?  Are you in the game or not?  The CV is the single most important document of your professional career and it should live and grow as you do.  
Many are afraid to start because they say, “It sucks and there is only one page!”.   Trust me when I tell you that EVERYONE starts at that level, but unless you can see what others will see in you, you will NEVER EVER evolve and grow.  
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