#4 MD Meetings – Primary Care 

Here are a few announcements on current and upcoming events to help you grow your practice, create more income and develop a referral source that is on autopilot.  This consultation will be posted to the above area in the Members section for further reference. 

1:  TRAINING – Please make sure to check the training calendar, the new calendar for the month of August will be posted next week.  Feedback so far has been terrific and this platform of educating you and your staff will be expanding through the summer and fall.  I am looking to send out email reminders to keep you all on track and focused on registering for these events.   We will also be placing links directly into the calendar to allow you to register in one easy step.  Registration is required as space is limited.

2:  RESEARCH– I am currently working with the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences’ Family Practice Department to create and publish a research study on the Attitudes of Primary Care Physicians toward chiropractic care.  This topic has already been published once a few years ago, but what makes this next step unique is we are creating a tool, in this case a 8-10 minute video, to outline our education, evidence based research and to discuss what chiropractic does and what it is best at treating.   The paper will focus on a before and after scenario.  To make this effective, we have decided to move BEYOND just the MDs in the Family Practice Department and to include all of you that are interested.  All of you know primary care MDs that we can survey to increase the number of participants.  This is still in the beginning phases, so park that in the back of your mind.  More information will follow to allow YOU to be involved in REAL research that will change the landscape of the profession.  This is the real deal and will be collaboration between State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences’ Family Practice Department and the University Of Bridgeport College Of Chiropractic. 

3:  MD OFFICE APPPOINTMENTS– I have been (for the last three weeks) working with Sara the programs administrative assistant to create a program that will AUTOMATICALLY create appointments for you in MD offices in your area.  I have spoken with many of you about this already, but for those that DON’T call me daily J, Sara will be calling MD offices FOR YOU and will automatically schedule MD meetings for your practice.  An informational email will be sent then posted in the Consulting section of the website with details.  You will need to have a Gmail account so that she can create and share a calendar with you.  Each office will have its own calendar, you will provide dates and times that you would like to visit MD offices and she will fill those spaces.  Your staff will be able to see in real time when meetings are scheduled.  There will be plenty of time for you to see the meetings being posted as most MD offices are scheduling 60-90 days out. 

4:  CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUATION PROGRAM– I am currently in the process of expanding the CE program as well.  We are going to have available a process that will be similar to #3, but it will before continuing education lectures to members of the medical community (MD, PA, NP).  This will be outlined closer to the fall.

I am looking forward to all of you exceeding your practice goals through the summer and into the last quarter of 2013.  Stay focused and communicate with me regularly. 


William J Owens Jr DC DAAMLP CPC

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