#1 Program and Office Infrastructure 


#45 Magic Language for MDs to refer and refer OFTEN

What you say to the MD is critically important to their understanding of how to use chiropractic and how to identify patients that will respond to chiropractic care.  When you are using this information it is NOT about educating them on chiropractic, it is about positioning yourself to receive their referrals.  Many times, especially at the beginning, they don’t CARE about the details; they need a place that will help their patient.  The key to positioning yourself is to describe WHAT you do properly so that the MD doesn’t see any other option.  If there are no other providers that “specialize” in what you do and there is a large population of patients that need to be referred, then YOU HAVE NO COMPETITION!  Game over…

 Here is what you say…

 “I specialize in the diagnosis and management of mechanical spine pain” – THAT IS IT …simple.

Your focus in on PAIN first, STRUCTURE second, and REHABILITATION last.   The MDs have 100’s of patients that have mechanical spine pain that are getting meds, surgery, injections and PT and NONE of those intervetions have a lasting effect on spinal biomechanics.  ZERO. 

Remember, we live in a sound byte world, in today’s texting and twitter based world you have 1 MAYBE 2 sentences to get someone’s attention and hold it.  The Magic language is just that – a sound byte that the MD will respond to…The KEY to all this is to say it and then SHUT UP…if you talk again you lose…let the MD ask the first question…email me and tell me what happens…

 {jcomments on}

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