#3 EMR, Macros and Reporting to the Medical Community 

 # 9 Prepare the BEGINNING with the END in mind

 This is an important component to running an active and successful practice.  Whether you are working on letters of protection, liens or billing insurance carriers directly, what you do in the beginning is critical to your success in collections.  All practices, even cash, do the work FIRST (treating the patient) then chase the money (patient collections or carrier reimbursement).  That money may come from a patient, a lawyer, a carrier or be awarded to you by a court of law.   In all cases your ability to document what you are doing, why you are doing it and how it helps the patient is everything, and will ensure your success regardless of HOW your money is coming to you.  It is worthwhile to take the time to create a great initial and re-evaluation reports to establish why you are treatment them up front.   Don’t skip the important stuff, it is worth it.  Email me if you need help.


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