Academy of Chiropractic’s

MD Relationship Program

#3 EMR Macros and Reporting to the Medical Community

Documentation Consultation 

From:  William J Owens Jr DC DAAMLP

Good evening everyone,
You are all very much aware of my focus on clinical documentation both from an accuracy and compliance standpoint but also an efficiency standout.  There is no sense having a perfect note if it also prohibits you from running your practice  and seeing patients.  There are many concepts to consider and understand when reporting INSIDE your practice, but even more to think about when you are sending out reports to other healthcare providers that are NOT Chiropractors.  I am going to be doing a series of Consultations on the attached paper, this is an Open Source Paper which means that the authors had paid the publisher to NOT CHARGE for the paper.   In this case, the publisher allows “open” download of the information so I can share it with you!  
Please read this in its entirety and think about all the opinions and comments in this paper.  I know that some of you also practice acupuncture so this is a great one for you as well.  Remember, the TREND is TOWARDS a properly credential chiropractor who has a CV steeped in proper postgraduate education.  Take a read of this, more Consultations will follow.  I appreciate your patience as I cover for one of my Associates who is out on maternity leave.  My last day of coverage will be June 23rd.   
Again, just as a reminder, the best way to get in touch with me is to just email me and din the subject line write “call me”.  I am with patients every day and have to spend time with my family.  We can fix most issues quickly over the phone or in short order, but my time is a bit unpredictable.  I have great staff which allows me to step out of the treatment room at anytime which is why it is easier for ME to call you than for me to answer the phone while I am with a patient.  Looking forward to your comments on this paper!  ENJOY…
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