n terms of marketing there should be several main categories, these should be evaluated and worked on CONSTANTLY.
1: Automation – Spine Management Reports in a Constant Contact or Mail Chimp – going out weekly to lawyers and MDs. Don’t overthink this, the topic doesn’t matter. They will resonate with some and not with others. This is the LONG GAME.
2: Documentation Sharing System – E/M Reports going out with q quick call from your office to make sure they are getting them and if they have any preferences. We have law firms that do not want them automatically sent, they send a records request so they don’t get duplicates. Just get started.
3: Surgical Implant Rep – should meet quarterly at a minimum to set up dinners with new physicians and attorneys.
4: ID new attorney or MD contacts through patient intake and interviews. This can be a new MD or attorney in a firm you know or someone that you have not met.
5: CLE – presenting continuing education to individual attorney firms in your area. Different than the big meetings, I found they will talk more openly when it is just thier firm. This should be 1 per month for your office and 3 times per year for each firm you work with.