Presenting to Medical Residents

  The importance of Faculty Positions     One of the best and most important ways to catapult you and your office is to obtain a faculty position at a local medical school.  This is not as difficult as you may think, especially since the…

Membership Portal Introduction

Membership Portal A new Membership Portal has been set up to assit you in finding the more recent updates to the MD Referral Program content and website.  Essentially this is your DashBoard which will allow you to keep track of what you have…

What the Binders are REALLY about

#1 Program and Office Infrastructure  #46 What the Binders are REALLY about I have this conversation with offices almost on a daily basis.  When you are first beginning this process, it is EASY to over think the binder and get “Analysis…

Magic Language for MD

#1 Program and Office Infrastructure    #45 Magic Language for MDs to refer and refer OFTEN What you say to the MD is critically important to their understanding of how to use chiropractic and how to identify patients that will respond to…

Why MDs Send Patients to Physical Therapy and not Chiropractic!

#1 Program and Office Infrastructure  #44 Why MDs Send Patients to Physical Therapy and not Chiropractic! This is always a difficult question for the chiropractor to understand, but the more you are around the MD community the easier it…

ACOs and MDs in your area

#1 Program and Office Infrastructure  #43 ACOs and MDs in your area There is quite a bit of talk in the chiropractic community about chiropractic and the ACO [Accountable Care Organizations] and the Affordable Care Act [ACA aka ObamaCare]. …

Sending Reports

#1 Program and Office Infrastructure                                                                 #39 Sending ReportsThe reports that are coming out of your office (or should be) are just as important as…


Dear Dr Owens,You asked me in our first conversation what I wanted out of this. I have been thinking about that. I want to begin to give a series of lay lectures to the general public about how chiropractic can prevent stenosis. Is there any…

Anatomy of the Research Binder

 #1 Program and Office Infrastructure   #38 The Anatomy of the Research Binder I wanted to address the importance of reaching out to the medical community and why the Research Binder is a critical part of your work.   I know for fact that…